Hormone testosterone was not enough for him. He still needs the female hormone estrogen to keep arouse sexual desire and prevent obesity.
Research reveals that men who have little content of estrogen in their bodies are more likely to suffer from male menopause is as diminished libido. Not only that, obesity is also threatened.
"Lack of testosterone is actually related to the accompanying estrogen deficiency," said Dr. Joel Finkelstein of Massachusetts General Hospital as quoted from dailymail.
Testosterone is the primary male sex hormone and body most men turn into estrogen. This can decrease with growing age.
Men Need Hormones Estrogen
The study involved 400 healthy male volunteers aged 20 to 50 who were given injections of the drug each month to reduce the production of testosterone while to pre-puberty levels.
They were then given another drug to prevent testosterone is converted to estrogen. This tests to see perbanfingan effects of different hormone levels.
After 16 weeks, the researchers saw that the muscle size and strength depends on testosterone, body fat mass depends on estrogen, and both hormones necessary to maintain normal sexual arousal and performance.
"Actually, there is evidence that when people are given estrogen, helping their libido," says Dr. Finkelstein.
However, this study was too short to see the long-term benefits or risks, such as the effects of testosterone supplementation on heart, mental acuity, prostate enlargement or cancer.
Further research is still needed, but maybe the goal is not just to generate gairan but prevent fragility in older men.
Low testosterone can lead to muscle and bone strength is reduced so as to disturb the mobility, the ability to think, heart disease and other problems
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